Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Post It Queen

I am a Post It Queen.. I have a post it for almost everything - My hot pink long lined version post it- are my short term goals.. My yellow average square post its are my - got to do it tomorrow reminders - usually you can find these around my computer screen to remind me in the morning. The yellow lined 3x3 post its are weekly accomplishments, my yellow 6 inch lined post it are my login and passwords for misc. (non-sensitive) websites, my neon green post its are found in my loan processing packets to remind me of something I need to know before I submit or close the loan, and my blue post its are the ones that my daughters and sometimes their friends post on my cabinets above my desk to tell me they love me... There's a post it for everything, isn't there?

A loan processor must be able to multi-task... I may be in the middle of one file - get a call about another file - and receive an email about yet another file - All tasks are important - All tasks must be remembered and they must be completed... This makes post its very handy... Looking at my desk right this moment - there are 15 post its about. When I finish a task - I make a note of it - in my ledger and throw the post away and sometimes - I'll just put the post it in the back of my file - you can never be too cautious when it comes to the mortgage industry....

Post its make my job so much easier and I get really happy when I see so many post its stuck around my desk - Why? It means I'm busy... and that's a good thing - for this contract processor...

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